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Apex another working title for Godzilla vs. Kong, is an American science fiction monster picture set for release in 2021, after Legendary Pictures' Godzilla: King of Monsters in 2019 and serving as a prequel to both King of the Monsters and Kong: Skull Island.

Godzilla vs. Kong had a turbulent development, and was originally set for release on May 29, 2020, before being pushed up to March 13, 2020, only to then be delayed to November 20, 2020, and then May 21, 2021. It then got pushed up to March 26, 2021, before ultimately being released to American theaters on March 31, 2021. The film was also streaming concurrently on HBO Max through to April 30, 2021.

In addition to being directed by Adam Wingard, the picture is produced by Mary Parent, Alex Garcia, Eric McLeod, and Brian Rogers, with the script written by Eric Pearson and Max Borenstein, based on a story by Terry Rossio, Michael Dougherty, and Zach Shields. The film is now in production. King of the Monsters was written by Borenstein, Dougherty, and Shields as well. Godzilla vs. Kong is set five years after the events of King of the Monsters, and it follows Godzilla and Kong as they engage in a massive fight in the aftermath of Ghidorah's wrath.

A sequel to the film is currently in the works.

Godzilla vs. Kong pits two famous adversaries against one another in a battle for the survival of the Earth. The journey is perilous, but it eventually brings Kong and his guards to Jia, a tiny orphaned girl with whom Kong has formed an unbreakable bond of love and devotion. They find themselves in the path of an enraged Godzilla, who attacks them. All that is known about the mystery that exists deep inside the Earth's core is only the beginning.

Meanwhile, Apex's founder and CEO Walter Simmons enlists Nathan Lind, a former Monarch scientist turned Hollow Earth theorist, to assist them in their hunt for a tremendous energy source on the Hollow Earth, a subterranean realm under the Earth and home to the Titans. Nathan is cautious at first since his brother attempted to investigate the Hollow Earth and was killed by a powerful anti-gravity field inside the tunnel. After Walter discloses that Apex has constructed Hollow Earth Aerial Vehicles, specialized aircraft capable of withstanding the gravity field's pressure, he eventually accepts.

Nathan recommends using Kong as their navigator to get them to the energy source since Skull Island can no longer contain him (because Kong has grown too large). When Nathan persuades her, Ilene decides to help stop Godzilla's rampage and find Kong a new home.

At this juncture, Jia detects Godzilla's arrival via the ship's vibrations as the Titan comes and battles the soldiers before capitulating and almost drowning Kong and the others on board. Fortunately, Nathan frees Kong by releasing his shackles, enabling him to fight Godzilla beneath long enough to swim to the surface and tip the barge back on its head, sparing the party from drowning. Kong rushes onto a nearby aircraft carrier in order to confront Godzilla, who gets onboard in order to confront Kong. The two Titans trade vicious punches until Godzilla is distracted sufficiently by fighter aircraft for Kong to shove him back into the water. Godzilla unleashes his atomic breath from under the carrier, but Kong leaps off to avoid the impact, only for Godzilla to wrap his tail around Kong and pull him deep into the water, aiming to drown the Titan.

However, when Godzilla is stunned by depth charges, the combat is split up, allowing Kong to surface for air and re-engage the fight.

Nathan, seeing no other choice, suggests that the gang should instead shut off all the ships' power to fool Godzilla into believing that he destroyed them and Kong was vanquished, which finally works. Godzilla swam away from the wrecked fleet, assuming he had won the battle. When the team realizes that reactivating the ships may bring Godzilla back, they adjust their plans and instead fly Kong to an Antarctica Hollow Earth entrance site, where Ghidorah was initially frozen. After that, Jia shows Kong where his house is, but Kong is hesitant to step through the entryway.

Knowing that Kong can't survive in the cold and that they can't return him to Skull Island, Nathan asks Ilene if Kong will go if he thinks that there are other people like him through there. Ilene tells Jia to ask Kong if his family could be down there, which causes the Titan to enter the tunnel and the teams to follow him in their HEAVs.

Madison and Josh encounter Bernie, who recognizes Madison as Mark's daughter and joins their inquiry since they feel Apex had something to do with Godzilla's shift in behavior. The "eye" Bernie had mentioned before has vanished from the Apex headquarters they sneak into with. They accidentally trap themselves in an antigravity transport truck transporting Skullcrawler eggs and are taken to Hong Kong via an underground tube after discovering a hidden facility deep down.

There, the three disembark and find themselves in a huge dark room. They see Apex's most powerful weapon, "Mechagodzilla" which is a mechanized version of Godzilla controlled by the late Dr. Ishiro Serizawa's son and Walter's chief technology officer, Ren Serizawa, who is also his father. Mechagodzilla is put to the test as soon as the mecha is turned on. Walter unleashes a large adult Skullcrawler, codenamed "Number 10" into the room. Skullcrawler is about to attack Madison, Josh, and Bernie when it is grabbed by Mechagodzilla. Mechagodzilla uses a powerful red energy beam to cut the creature in half, allowing Madison, Josh, and Bernie to hide in a small hole in the ground. There are limits to how much power the mecha can use, so the test is cut short when the mecha shuts down right away because of them.

Kong and Nathan's crew discover an environment similar to Skull Island within the Hollow Earth. They are unexpectedly assaulted while traversing the area by a pair of Warbats, with one destroying one of the HEAVs. Kong saved the party by killing the first Warbat and swinging its carcass onto the second, knocking it unconscious, but the beast recovers and constricts itself around him. Before the Warbat has a chance to suffocate Kong, the creature is hit by missiles fired from Nathan's team's HEAV, allowing Kong to escape and viciously beat the monster to death before gorging on its intestines.

After that, Kong and Nathan's crew continue on their way to a large stone temple built by Kong's forefathers. They discover ruins of an old fight between Kong's and Godzilla's races, and Kong discovers an ancient axe crafted from a dead Godzilla's race member's dorsal plate before sitting on a gigantic throne. Kong discovers that the same power source can replenish the axe as Nathan's crew discovers it for Mechagodzilla. Despite Ilene's protests, Maia and the Apex team utilize spider-like drones to collect the power source and return it to their Hong Kong headquarters. Maia's guards fire at Nathan's squad, but Kong violently defends them. Godzilla, sensing the machine's activation, goes directly for Hong Kong.

Godzilla shows pity and spares his rival's life, as though inspired by Kong's tenacity and power, before walking away, leaving Kong alive but gravely hurt, as he finally loses consciousness due to commotio cordis.

After Kong awakens, he witnesses the battle between Godzilla and Mechagodzilla before meeting up with Jia, who tries to convince Kong that Godzilla isn't really his enemy. Though Kong doesn't believe her at first as he continues to watch Godzilla being overwhelmed by Mechagodzilla, Jia reveals the truth to him that the robot is the "real" enemy, not Godzilla. After a moment, Kong finally accepts and puts aside his grudge before heading into battle to help Godzilla while fixing his dislocated arm.

The two Titans work together to change the tide, but the robot proves to be stronger than their combined force and overpowers them. Kong reclaims his axe, which he had lost during his previous encounter with Godzilla, and strikes numerous blows on Mechagodzilla, but his weapon, having lost its charge, is worthless against the robot, which tries to mortally impale Kong with its tail drill. All seems to be lost for Kong and Godzilla until Bernie, understanding there is nothing he and the others can do, takes out a flask of booze and suggests they all have a drink. However, Josh pulls the flask from Bernie's grasp and short-circuits Mechagodzilla's controls by dumping the contents of the drink all over the control panel, causing Mechagodzilla to halt and allowing Godzilla and Kong to regroup and retake the upper hand.

When Godzilla sees Kong wielding his axe, he charges it up with his atomic breath, enabling Kong to sever Mechagodzilla's limbs and pull off its head before raising his trophy and taking a seat to rest.

The film has several references to Neon Genesis Evangelion:

Like Godzilla, Kong evades an angel by jumping from ship to ship.

Mechagodzilla's base is underground and capped by a pyramid, like the Central Dogma.

Godzill vs King Kong

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